

Beauty Facial
This is the perfect routine facial for the every day skin. This facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, a relaxing facial massage, and a facial mask that is personalized for your unique skin type. Topped off with our medical grade moisturizer and sunscreen.
Acne and Oil Control Facial
Our acne and oil control facial targets stubborn pores and blocked blackheads to help get your acne under control.  This facial includes a double cleanse, along with the dual action scrub that will exfoliate your skin, clean your pores and break down sebum. The skin scrubber will then be used, along with high frequency to further clean the skin and bring more oxygen to the skin. Our purifying mask with then leave your skin clearer, and smoother.  This facial will help clear your skin and prevent breakouts.

Anti-aging Facial
Our anti-aging facial will help slow the aging process, brighten the skin, and reduce fine wrinkles. This facial uses the technology of high frequency to help build new collagen, tighten, and beautify the skin.  This facial also includes a collagen mask and antioxidant serum, along with the application of a medical moisturizer and sunscreen to prevent aging. 
Brightening Facial

Our brightening facial will help balance and tone your skin. This targets areas of pigmentation and uneven skin texture and appearance. The facial includes a vitamin C cleanser to remove impurities on the skin. The diamond microdermabrasion is then used to exfoliate the skin further. A vitamin C infusion mask is then applied to target hyperpigmentation, followed by and brightening mask will be applied to leave your skin glowing beautifully. Brightening serums will be infused into your skin using ultrasonic waves. Your skin will be smoother, healthier, and brighter. 

Deep Pore Cleansing Facial

Our deep pore cleansing facial will have your skin feeling cleaner, healthier, and more radiant. This facial helps remove all the dirt and debris trapped deep down in the layers of your skin.  The dead cells and impurities will be removed by vacuum exfoliation. This helps with shrink pores and keeps your skin glowing.

Dermaplaning Facial

Our dermaplaning facial will have your skin feeling lighter, cleaner, and more radiant. This relaxing facial includes a manual exfoliation removing the “peach fuzz” and dead skin cells.  This will leave you with flawless, clear and beautiful skin. 

Ultra Hydrating Facial

Our ultra hydrating facial is designed specifically to target dry, dehydrated skin to restore hydration, and to provide soothing, cooling, and calming comfort. Your skin will be infused with hyaluronic acid with ultrasonic waves. The facial will also help rebuild your skin barrier to restore hydration. 

Lotus Glow-up Facial 

This glow-up will aim to brighten, smooth, even out your skin texture to give you supple and radiant looking skin. Diamond microdermabrasion will exfoliate your skin.  The facial will use be using a vitamin C infusion mask on top of a personalized mask to leave your skin glowing. 

Personalized Facial 

Our esthetician will work with you on the best facial treatment plan to reach your skin goals. 


Diamond Microdermabrasion

Dermaplaning  – removes the “peach fuzz” on your skin 

Book a Free consultation with our esthetician today for beautiful, youthful, and glowing skin. 

Click on the link below to schedule your appointment online or contact us via phone or email below. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!